ASBSTOS aus Montreal skizzieren ein Leben unter schweren Bedingungen, widmen sich sozialen Kämpfen und sind deutlich inspiriert von alten französischen Punkbands, von Working Class Oi und einer simplen aber melodischen rauen Note. Die französischen Texte erzählen von einer Realität, die Ausgestoßenen, Drogenabhängigen, Armen und andere Outsiders alltäglich erleben und erdulden müssen. Hymnische Backings und das Zusammenspiel von Lead- und Rhythm-Gitarre macht die Spielart hart und druckvoll. Getreu dem Spruch “Haine, Violence, Esprit d’Bande” gerieren sich die Musiker von Action Sedition, Union Thugs und Jeunesse Apatride als harte Hunde, dich auffordern, mitzukommen, für eine Nacht oder fürs Leben. Um was zu tun oder zu erleben? Kämpfen und dann resignieren (denn die Taschen sind immer noch leer). Desillusionierend und frustrierend. Aber die Gang is all here…immerhin!
Asbestos, from Montreal, outline a life lived under difficult conditions, they’re dedicated to social struggles, are clearly inspired by old french punk bands and by a simple, melodic, rough and ready sound. The french lyrics speak of the reality that outcasts, adicts, the poor and other outsiders have to experience and endure daily.
Hymn-like choruses and the interplay between lead and rythm guitars make for a tough and powerful style. True to the slogan “Haine, Violence, Esprit d’Bande”, the musicians, from bands like Action Sedition, Union Thugs and Jeunesse Apatride, are tough bastards, asking you to hang with them, for a night or for life. And what will you witness and experience? Struggle and resignation (because your pockets are still empty). Disillusion and frustration. But, hey, at least the gang is all here!
(Underdog Fanzine
Hey guys, MirceONE here, here is a small update and promo from Asbestos. They are a band based in Montreal, Canada and this February they have released a short 5 song digital cassette. The sound is a mix of streetpunk, oi with post-punk and hardcore influences. Members of Asbestos they have play in bands like: Action Sedition, Union Thugs and Jeunesse Apatride. They sing in french so i must say honest that i don’t understand everything (my french lessons were soooo long ago) but the mix is amazing, melodic and raw with choruses for sing along and fists in the air. Message about social life, poor people and addicts all packed nice with real streetpunk from the streets. Strong anti fascist message and i must say it is on repeat. The cassette like the band says is an international effort from labels like: Dure Realite (Montreal, Quebec, Canada), Discos Machete (Mexico), Rebel Time Records (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada), Kale Borroka (Euskal Herria/Spain) and La Distro Elle A Mauvaise Haleine (France).
(Mpty Zine)