The Fallout

“just like us you want to figure out / the pain and injustice all about / we picked up our guitars / and we wrote some songs / about protecting rights / and correcting all the wrongs” (The Fallout) …

The Fallout – Website
The Fallout – Bandcamp
The Fallout – Facebook

Casualty – 2020 – Discos Machete / Rebel Time Records

The Times Have Never Changed – 2019 – Discos Machete / Rebel Time Records

Raise Your Flag – 2018 – Rebel Time Records
In short, Toronto’s The Fallout play straight-up, stripped-down political punk rock that’s got backbone and backbeat.

Taking their cue from Pete Seeger’s quote “the people are on the march and must have songs to sing,”  The Fallout mete out partisan and unapologetically political agitp(r)op punk rock.  The band deals in songs of unity, inclusion, solidarity and struggle.

The current roster is:  Bob (drums/vocals), Byron (guitar / vocals) and Patty (bass / vocals).

Around since 2004, the band has seven releases to its name:

Turning Revolution Into Money (2004 / Longshot Music)

What Is Past Is Prologue (2005 / Longshot Music)

Turning Point (2006 /  Red Menace Records)

Dismantlement (2007 / Insurgence Records) 

Raise Your Flag And Other Anthems (2018 / Rebel Time Records)

The Times Have Never Changed (2019 / Discos Machete, Rebel Time Records)

Casualty ( 2020 / Discos Machete, Rebel Time Records)

All releases available (free / pay-what-you-like) on The Fallout’s  Bandcamp page.

Of note, the band has remixed and remastered their earlier albums for digital release. “Turning Revolution Into Money,” “What Is Past Is Prologue” and “Dismantlement” have all been reworked and re-released.  All these albums are now up on The Fallout’s bandcamp page as free or pay-what-you-like downloads.

“The Fallout make you wanna get up, dance and then go and do nasty but well-deserved things to animal abusers / fascists / cops while happily humming one of their delightful ditties.” (Old Punks Never Die)

“Forging their sound in a style reminiscent of punk’s earliest days, comparisons for this power trio generate allusions to some top-notch talent as well. Let’s just say that they obviously love the gutsy, three-chord barrage of The Ramones, The Clash and Stiff Little Fingers. Taking that a step further, their socially conscious lyrics prove that while they look like they just crawled out of a gutter that hasn’t been cleaned for three decades, they’ve still got it where it counts – real music from the street and from the heart. ” (FFD Weekly)

“Their catchy-as-hell, sing-along, three-chord punk rock packs a definite punch and is coupled with well-crafted and well-articulated, socially-conscious lyrics that crackle with heartfelt anger and urgency. These cats are kind of like a street-punk version of Woody Guthrie.” (Exclaim)

 The Fallout’s sound reminds me a lot of early bands such as The Clash and Stiff Little Fingers, but without copying ’em, as they do have their own distinctive sound…and it’s catchy rebel-rousing stuff! They’re socially aware and the lyrics go straight to the point of the matter. (Oi Warning)

The Fallout is a throwback to a time when protest punk was just as much about the tunes as it was about the message. These guys write catchy songs that are tailor made for you to shout along with. The music is powerful and aggressive but also fun to listen to. And that’s the way it ought to be. If a song is going to inspire people, it has to be inspiring. Songs like “Red Light Union” and “Raise Your Flag” will have you fired up to run through a brick wall for the cause! This is “street” punk in the truest sense of the term – music for the people that is relevant to what’s actually happening on our streets. (Louder and Faster)

They burst in / Stop and stare / Feel the burn / The flame flares / Kicked in the head / Bloody gash / Floor turns red / You’re fading fast / Casualty / Freedom’s a casualty / Tried to recall / A better time / The downfall / The highest climb / The sun dawns / Day breaks / Your freedom / What they take

Wage! Slave / I’m getting hungry and they’re raising my rent / I got my pay-cheque but it’s already spent / My hands are tied because they’re clocking my time / Selling my life away for nickels and dime / I’m a wage slave / Nothing more / Wage slave / Working poor / Wage! Slave! / From bull to bear the economy’s crashed / That’s why they can’t pay us any more cash / Hard to get by on this minimum wage / Indentured life I can’t escape

From a thousand towns / Their heading down / On the warpath / As if you needed proof / Manifested youth / Are on the warpath / A system self reverent / Unable to remain silent / Will get torn apart / As we march along the warpath / Students make plans / Workers take stands / On the warpath / Fathers and sons / Have just begun / Down the warpath / Daughters and their mothers too / Will decide and they shall choose / Lead from the heart / As we march down the warpath