Brigada Roja

Brigada Roja was born in 2007, with the idea of playing hardcore punk with communist lyrics. In August 2009 they released their first album and in December 2009 they released their second album called “We Have Something To Tell You”.

Brigada Roja was the first Mexican band to be part of Rock Proletario Internacional (PRI). Founded in 2005 by Spanish band Nucleo Terco, PRI was “a cultural movement committed to serve our class’ interests … this musical tendency is expressed essentially through the most anti-commercial and popular styles of rock music (punk, oi !, hard core, etc). The values ​​transmitted in its lyrics are the thoughts and ideals of our class.” PRI bands sang songs “of the socialist revolution, the anti-capitalist struggle, anti-fascism and proletarian pride.” “Proletarian Rock is an expression of struggle, and uses musical notes in order to spread a message of combat against fascism and capitalism. ”

Brigada Rosa
Va sin trequa puno en alto listo a atacar
Sobre un camino dificil de avanzar
Nuestro manifiesto siempre a sido el mismo
Una revolucion basada en el marxismo
Brigada Roja

El tiempo sigue pasando
Los problemos se van acumulando
La produccion de pobres aumenta
La burguesia sube sus rentas
Y el gobierno sigue mintiendo
Que la democracia esta fiuncionando
Ellos Te Asesinan ellso te secuestran
Ni un voto mas, solo gritos de protesta

Empunando sus armas nacieron en el sur
Una nueva luz en la revolucion
Al cubrir su rostro su voz se escucho
El gobiermo tiembla por la insurreccion
El eco de Zapata se vuelve accion
Indigenas van por la apropiacion
De las tierras robadas por el patron
Zapatistas que luchan por su libertad
Insurgentes rebeldes que no van a parar