As previously noted, Rebel Time Records is one of the left-radical record labels / political projects coming together / working together to releases an ‘american’ version of the new Brigada Flores Magon album “Immortels.”
In an inspiring internationalist effort, we’ve got Machete Records (France) / Discos Machete (Mexico) / Rebel Time Records (Canada) / RASH GDL (Mexico) / PM Press (USA) / Dure Realite (Quebec) / RASH USA (USA) / SHARP Rio De Janeiro (Brazil) / Three Way Fight (USA) / Unite And Win (Brazil), all joining forces / combining resources to ensure that this album – its music and its message – gets spread far and wide!
And, what an album it is! Released 15 years after their last album (Tout Pour Tous) and 2 years after the band got back together, “Immortels” is 10 tracks of catchy-as-heck, sing-a-long, up-in-arms, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist streetpunk.
Listening to these 10 songs, it’s clear that the band’s anger and indignation is undiminished. Their militant / combative music and message is unchanged. Brigada remains impassioned, inflamed, undeterred and undaunted. They’re in fighting form – worked-up , fired up and raring to go. This is a band that knows the struggle is indeed ongoing, endless and immortal.
Currently, Brigada Flores Magon consists of Mateo ( vocals ), Julien ( drums ), Goose ( ex-The Decline, guitar ), Arno Rudeboy ( ex-Bolchoi, guitar ) and Laurent ( ex-Ya Basta, bass )
In a recent statement, they declared:

Stay tuned for more information about the ‘american’ release. In the meantime, you can listen to the album digitally … Spotify, Bandcamp, etc.
… a solidarité ne meurt jamais, elle est notre arme la plus efficace / solidarity never dies, it is our most effective weapon / la solidaridad nunca muere, es nuestra arma más eficaz …