Venues and dates are all confirmed for Spring Offensive 2019!
As previously noted, we’ve been working on a few shows in and around Southern Ontario that will feature some of the best socially-conscious, politically-engaged, anti-authoritarian and multi-lingual music we can find.
Shows will be happening as follows: Friday, March 22nd at See-Scape in Toronto, Saturday, March 23rd at The Boathouse in Kitchener and Sunday, March 24th at This Ain’t Hollywood in Hamilton.
Still getting the line-ups all sorted, but, you can expect to see, on some (or all) of the dates: The Fallout, Union Thugs, Reckless Upstarts, Lee Reed, Bring The War Home and more.
Stay tuned for more details and info! We’ll be putting a spotlight on some of the bands and artists shortly.